Specialty Services Agency specializes in SP100 Fire Fighter and Professional Chainsaw training.
To be hired as a forest fire fighter you must be SP-100 trained.
We are also affiliated with Geraldton Community Forest, and Outland Camps Inc. for training and Outland Camps Inc. for Type II Crew deployment and Native Fire Crew management assignments in escalated fire situations.
We are and have been partners for the past 24 years with many First Nations communities by ensuring they are trained and ready in the event of a call for fire crew deployment in an escalated forest fire situation.
Mission Statement
To provide the highest level of training with the best training aids, fire equipment and Head/Technical Expert Instructors available, thereby ensuring a student receives the basic fire fighting knowledge to perform their task safely anywhere in Ontario.
M. W. Macquarrie Ltd. was incorporated in 1976 to work in areas of land acquisition, geophysical surveys, prospecting, timber sales and cottage subdivision development. In 1994 Specialty Services Agency was formed as a subsidiary of M. W. Macquarrie Ltd. to contract qualified Fire personnel back to the Ministry Fire program in emergency fire situations.
In 1996 the company organized its SP100 training group and was accredited to carry out current SP100 training and competency testing. With greater than twenty eight (28) years of experience, we have developed into a reputable training organization.
In addition, Specialty Services Agency is a highly mobile fire training service organization accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Instructors with 20 to 36 years of experience in forest fire suppression and forest fire training means Specialty Services Agency boasts some of the most highly qualified Instructors in the contract business.
Three accredited training teams, fully equipped with cargo trailers of fire suppression and audio/visual equipment, offer a wealth of experience honed in Ontario’s fire fighting organization which has a reputation as a world leader in fire management systems and technologies.
Specialty Services Agency offers a complete range of all mandatory training required to fight forest fires in Ontario including: SP100 Fire Fighter; SP100 Recertification; SP105 & SP106 Industry Training; SP104 Railway Training; Professional Chainsaw Training; Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS); Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG); Standard First Aid; and Restricted Radio Operator’s Licence.
Since 1996 Specialty Services Agency has trained more than 7,000 fire fighters in locations all across Ontario and in 1997 we entered into a joint venture with Outland Camps Inc. of Toronto to provide in-‐house fire training services and access to fire experts and experienced Sector Bosses in a fire crew services contract to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Our association has proven invaluable in the timely delivery of fire crews, on demand, anywhere in Ontario. We are still providing Outland Camps Fire Crews 80% of the mandatory training required to remain fully qualified. Specialty Services Agency is also partnered with Geraldton Community Forests & Northern College in South Porcupine to deliver SP-‐100 Courses.
Specialty Services Agency will continue providing Outland Camps Inc. a skilled team of professional Fire Managers and Fire Instructors to act in a variety of supervisory roles such as Sector Bosses, Company Representatives, and Crew Positioning Coordinators and of course, quality training services.
These fire experts and instructors are essential in Outland’s ability to safely and effectively supply up to 40 plus Type II fire crews to any location in Ontario and other provinces. In addition, the fact that our fire experts are well known and respected, retired MNR fire employees improves our ability to integrate contract crews into the Ministry’s sophisticated fire operation. The future of the joint venture strengthens and creates a huge set of compatible skills necessary to deliver an efficient, effective Type II fire crew system.
Specialty Services Agency is proud to boast some of the most highly qualified forest fire Expert Instructors in the contract business.
Our Company’s team of Head &Technical Expert Instructors is committed to delivering the highest standard for Fire Fighter training and will continue to upgrade their training skills to improve the Company’s position and offer the best in a full range of qualifying courses for fire fighters all across Ontario.